Revelation Message Bible College
Jacksonville Theological Seminary

Listen • Read • Be Educated • Be Equipped

Declaring His Name is a facilitator website owned and operated by Dr. Terry Stair - an approved facilitator for RMBC & JTS. Declaring His Name is an online means to learn about, apply for, and access classes offered by Revelation Message Bible College and Jacksonville Theological Seminary.
Interested in pursuing a degree? We specialize in long-distant learning! All courses are correspondence courses using materials such as books, workbooks, audio CDs, MP3s and online classes! Work at your own pace!

What is a Facilitator?
One of the things RMBC & JTS is doing to help students benefit more from their learning experience is to train and place facilitators in strategic places around the country (and the world). These facilitators are, in most cases, people who have finished their course of study with either Revelation Message Bible College and/or Jacksonville Theological Seminary.
It is the desire of these facilitators to give back in appreciation for what they have received. As facilitators, they have a strong desire to help others become equipped for the ministry. They are capable of answering questions concerning your course of study as well as providing you with information about path or growth and learning.
Dr. Harold Vick - Our Founder

Jacksonville Theological Seminary began as a vision, or plan, in the heart of God. He simply allowed me to be a caretaker of that vision. In the beginning, the plan certainly was not clear. Boy, was I looking through a glass darkly. Also, like most visions, it was received progressively, line upon line, precept upon precept.
Originally I felt God wanted me simply to teach people how to resist the devil so that he would have to flee. I also wanted to equip these people so they could teach others what they were being taught.
If you know anything about getting people together for a teaching or a meeting, of any kind, there is no one night when everyone is available; thus, the cassette tape ministry was born. Little did I know these tapes would literally be listened to all over the world. The first class for JTS actually began in 1987. The first graduation was held in 1989, after being prodded for some tangible evidence of having completed the courses. With the hurdles for State Certification of a degree program successfully jumped, JTS graduated 24 students the first year. Since that time the number of graduates has almost doubled every year. Take any number and keep doubling it and you will understand why JTS has passed even my wildest imagination.
After the 1990 graduation three men, one from Miami, FL; one from Anniston, AL and one from Savannah, Tennessee asked about having a branch campus in their cities. This was the beginning of the satellite program which today provides live teaching in nearly 80 cities in the United States, as well as campuses overseas, One of the ways you can tell GOD is in something is, it gets bigger than you are. No one is more aware of the fact that JTS is a sovereign move of God than is your Founder and President.
I find myself standing on the sidelines shouting "Go God!"

Dr. Terry Stair Has been a facilitator since 1993 and has helped hundreds of students through the process to reach their goals and dreams by achieving their degree. He also serves as the Alumni President and Prison Chaplain Advisor
Terry Lee Edward Stair Sr. was born in Bethlehem Pa. in 1952. Dr. Stair is a 3rd generation Evangelical preacher. While growing up, Dr. Stair traveled to 35 of the US States with his Father on Evangelical crusades.
Dr. Terry Stair Married Debra Szeker and together have raised five children:
Terry Lee, Jr., Joel, Jason, Jeremy, and Heather.
Dr. Stair has studied with the Philadelphia College of the Bible as well as the Berean School of the Bible and Jacksonville Theological Seminary. From Jacksonville Theological Seminary Dr. Stair has received a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education, Master of Arts in Christian Psychology, a Doctorate of Theology, and a Doctorate of Religious Education.
Dr. Terry Stair was ordained at Faith Temple Church in Sylvania , Georgia on November 17th, 1974 . Dr. Stair was licensed by the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel in Savannah, Georgia on April 3rd, 1975. Dr. Terry Stair pastured Marannatha Chapel Foursquare Church in Savannah from 1974-1986. Dr. Terry Stair left Savannah in 1986 and began pasturing New Life Foursquare Church in Milledgeville, Georgia. In 1993 Dr. Stair became a facilitator and the Alumni President for Jacksonville Theological Seminary.
I greet you in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Our goal is to fulfill the desire of Dr. Vick's heart in seeing that men and women are thrust into the harvest field with the right equipping to get the job completed.
Let us go on with God for there is still too much to do!
Dr. Fabienne M. Naomi - Our President