Revelation Message Bible College
Jacksonville Theological Seminary

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Jacksonville Theological Seminary was founded by Dr. Harold Vick in 1987.
Beginning in 1989, Dr. Fabienne Naomi-Smith assisted Dr. Vick with the running of the seminary. Since Dr. Vick’s passing in 2003, Dr. Naomi-Smith has held the position of President.
Jacksonville Theological Seminary (JTS) is registered with the Commission for Independent Education of the Florida Department of Education as a Religious Institution.
Jacksonville Theological Seminary is committed to the purpose of training already committed believers for a lifetime of productive service to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church.
Our courses are centered on the Bible, which we believe to be the Word of the living God. Our endeavor is to create a hunger for His Word and a proficiency in the declaration of the Gospel through proper communicative skills.
Our courses of the Bible, Ministry, Christian Education, Christian Counseling, Divinity, and Theology will give a strong foundation from which the Gospel will be proclaimed.
All degrees of Jacksonville Theological Seminary are of an ecclesiastical nature, and whether granted or conferred, are in the restricted area of ministry, “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:” (Ephesians 4:12), and are not designed to be used in secular academic circles. The degree programs of this Seminary are designed solely for religious vocations.
JTS accepts credits from all schools compatible in mission and doctrine and, in addition, will offer credit for service in the ministry, work related fields, church study courses, workshops, and seminars attended.
The staff of JTS is proud of JTS; and considers it comparable to any other Seminary -- anywhere! They are also proud that you are considering becoming a student. Let the staff know if they can be of assistance to you in any way. Like you, they are servants.