Revelation Message Bible College
Jacksonville Theological Seminary

Listen • Read • Be Educated • Be Equipped

Below are the descriptions of our degree programs as well as a list of all degrees we offer.
Biblical Studies
is designed to give the student a strong foundation and deeper understanding of Biblical Truths.
Christian Business
is designed to equip the student to not only excel in the work force but Minister the Gospel through and in the marketplace.
Christian Counseling
is designed to equip the student to minister as a Biblical Counselor. This program specifically equips students to minister counseling either to individuals or within groups.
Christian Education
is designed to equip the student to lead,manage, and teach in the classroom environment. This program is geared for those wanting to be teachers in a Christian based school program.
is designed to equip the student to minister in either a Prison or Hospital facility. This program specifically equips students to minister as Hospital or Prison Chaplains and fulfilling that role of Ministry.
is designed to equip the student to be the voice and feet of the Gospel by going into all the world and proclaiming the Good News, to actively reach out to a lost and dying world.
is designed to equip the student to minister either as a Pastor or help support the Pastoral staff within the Church. This program specifically equips students to minister to the body of Christ and deals with Church growth and development as well as community outreach.
Religious Education
is designed to equip the student to Minister to and train the next generation of believers. This program specifically teaches how to run and lead effective Children’s Church programs that are so needed in this day and hour.
is designed to equip the student with an in-depth study of Biblical doctrines and is the study of Christian belief and practice, this is based upon the texts of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Worship Leadership
is designed to equip the student to minister as an effective Praise and Worship Leader. This program focuses on the development and practice of worship and equips the student to be knowledgeable and capable of leading others in to the presence of God, while honoring the position of the Pastor.
Master's Programs
​✔ Master of Evangelism
✔ Master of Biblical Studies
✔ Master of Ministry
✔ Master of Divinity
✔ Master of Worship Leadership
✔ Master of Ministry in Christian Education
✔ Master of Ministry in Religious Education
✔ Master of Ministry in Christian Business
✔ Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling
✔ Master of Arts in Evangelism
✔ Master of Arts in Biblical Studies
✔ Master of Arts in Ministry
✔ Master of Arts in Christian Business
✔ Master of Arts in Christian Education
✔ Master of Arts in Religious Education
✔ Master of Arts in Christian Counseling
✔ Master of Arts in Worship Leadership
Doctorate Programs
​✔ Doctor of Evangelism
✔ Doctor of Biblical Studies
✔ Doctor of Ministry
✔ Doctor of Divinity
✔ Doctor of Theology
✔ Doctor of Christian Education
✔ Doctor of Religious Education
✔ Doctor of Christian Business
✔ Doctor of Christian Counseling
✔ Doctor of Ministry in Christian Education
✔ Doctor of Ministry in Religious Education
✔ Doctor of Ministry in Christian Business
✔ Doctor of Ministry in Christian Counseling
✔ Doctor of Worship Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy Programs
✔ Doctor of Philosophy in Evangelism
✔ Doctor of Philosophy in Ministry
✔ Doctor of Philosophy in Divinity
✔ Doctor of Philosophy in Theology
✔ Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education
✔ Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Business
✔ Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling
JTS Clinical Christian Counseling Programs
✔ Doctor of Clinical Christian Counseling
✔ Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Christian Counseling